Sunday, March 21, 2010

Orange Marmalade


Seville Orange

Lemon 1
Water 2ltr
Sugar 2kg

Directions :-

  • Peel the oranges and lemon using a peeler. Store the peels for
    later use.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the fruits into a bowl and dont throw
    the pith and pin.
  • Get a muslin cloth ot a cotton cloth and tie together all the
    pith and pin except the peels into a bag with a twine.
  • Now slice the peels into 1 inch length as shown in the image.
  • Throw all into the juice and immerse the muslin bag in this
    juice. Marinate this overnight placing into the refigerator.
  • Next day boil this in a thick bottomed pan with the musllin
    bag immersed and simmer for 2 hrs once boiled . This is to tenderize
    the peels and get the essence and flavor out of the bag's contents.
  • Now switch off the stove and take the muslin bag out and let
    them cool. Once cooled squeeze out the juice from the bag into the pan
    where u have boiled the juice.
  • After that add the sugar and stir till dissolved and let boil
    again for another 20 to 25 min till the sugar forms a thick syrup with
    the juice.
  • Now take then pan off the stove and let cool.
  • Store for further use with bread.


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